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Immedia 3B-Board

Immedia 3B-Board

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A stable, curved transfer board that allows transfer across wider gaps The transfer board is intended to bridge shorter gaps when performing seated transfers. The board’s low friction upper surface allows the user to transfer independently or with assistance. Immedia Transfer Boards are used when transfering between bed and wheelchair / shower chair, between wheelchair / chair / toilet chair or to and from the car. All Transfer Boards have a non-slip surface on the underside. Combining a transfer board with a glide cushion provides even lower friction and is recommended when the transfer involves bare skin, for instance to and from a shower chair or toilet. Immedia 3B-Board Immedia 3B-Board is a stable transfer board with a traditional curved shape. The board can be placed either curve forward or curve backward depending on the transfer situation and surrounding obstacles, eg: the wheel of the wheelchair.

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