Established 1984 At your service for over 30 years !

Do not hesitate to communicate with us for any questions


To live with a handicapped child is a challenge on a daily basis. Why not facilitate your life with high-quality pediatry material and equipment adapted to your needs?

La Maison André Viger offers a vast selection of pediatry products and accessories so that each moment that you spend with your child is happy and memorable. Pediatric strollers, mobility equipment, pediatric walkers, and standers as well as bathroom pediatric accessories, La Maison André Viger does understand what your needs are and knows how to satisfy them with simplicity.

Our team of specialists will take the time to explore with you our vast inventory of pediatric products and accessories and will find with you the element that will change your life and your child’s. Also, in case of damage or breaking, we are offering you a great repair and parts service.

If you have questions concerning our inventory of pediatry products, we invite you to contact us or to come visit us in one of our two stores in Montreal and Montreal’s South Shore.

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